Thursday, December 30, 2010
Update: The First Annual Platinum Vinyl Awards
Eligibility for consideration for the First Annual Platinum Vinyl Awards is October 1, 2009-September 30, 2010. I will be researching 4th Quarter 2009 Releases for Inclusion, along with the initial TBSF post and TBSF 3rd Quarter Posts. All album reviews beginning October 1, 2010 on this site will be eligible for the second annual awards, to happen sometime in 2012. This also answers the question I posed in my review of the Project 86 Release. It will be considered for Next Year.
Keep following The Night Beat for exclusive coverage for the Platinum Vinyl Awards
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Everybody Move Right Now
I am also confident that 15.Live, the latest release by Orange County Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Band Project 86 is on the Angel's Permanent Playlist, and I don't mean the baseball team. From the opening notes of Sincerely Ichabod to the closing tones of The Spy Hunter, it is a don't stop to catch your breath party. The 12 Song Album, which marks 15 years (That's 1995 for those of you in Rio Linda) is Headbanger Heaven to say the least, and not a thrash growl to be found.
My favorite songs on the album just happen to come from Rival Factions, my pick for project 86's best album, Illuminate and Evil: A Chorus of resistance. As a final verdict, I give it a near perfect 4.75 Emeralds.
I think all of us wish Project 86 15 more happy years. Can't Wait for 30.Live!
Friday, December 24, 2010
The True Story of Christmas
In the Spirit of Joe Friday--Just the facts. Mary and Joseph were not homeless. They had a home, it was in Nazareth, not Bethlehem. They had come to Bethlehem for the Census Bureau and a meeting with the IRS. "That all the world should be taxed". Because Joseph was a procrastinator he didn't consult with Travelocity beforehand, and as a result, when they got there, "there was no room at the inn." No Vacancy means No Vacancy, it doesn't mean that he didn't have money. He was there to pay taxes after all. A good hearted innkeeper most likely volunteered use of the stable. It was probably on the down low and off the books. I doubt a rental agreement was drawn up.
The best part, which should appeal to all us Tea partiers and fellow conservatives, The three wise men brought gold (money) and Frankincense and Myrrh, both valuable spices/perfumes that could be sold for more gold. Money answers all things. And best of all, since Joseph had already seen the IRS agent, this new infusion of Cash was Tax free. There was no being able to go back seven years for an audit back then. Oh for the good old days. Plenty of money for a Palace on the Nile. Hey you didn't think they just brought Jesus one gold coin. Most likely it was bags upon bags. Money fit for a king, from a king. For reference, check out 1 Kings 10:10 for a gift to Solomon. If not for his whole life, at least for his youth things were most likely very good. Jesus was most likely from an Upper-Middle Class Business owner family in the Construction business. Now you know the rest of the story.
Merry Christmas to all from The Night Beat.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
No Time To Make The Donuts
Now Fred the Baker is long dead, so I understand that the chance of getting a hot donut at any Dunkin are about nil, but there should be some ground rules. The First Commandment should be Never Run Out, especially if you are open 24 hours, which my local one is. Over the past month I have been aghast at the number of times I have gone in for my afternoon break at 3PM and have been greeted with empty shelves and having to go three deep in Coffee Flavors before I hit one that is in stock. If this was a 5am-10pm establishment I would cut them some slack, because they bake once a day, and when it's gone, it's gone, but with a 24 hour establishment... But that's not the worse of it.
There is no Bakery on Site. It seems that in the Infinite Wisdom of Dunkins, ovens were removed from the establishments and central bakeries were established. Now all your local shop is is an assembly line that fills the raised and heats pre-made sandwiches. A delivery is made once a day from this central bakery and if they underestimate sales. Tough. Fred is turning over in his grave. Now if they made a delivery every 4 hours, it might work. Might.
Now all this may be an unforeseen consequence of franchising. A person may be able to "own" twenty or so establishments, but he cannot personally manage the affairs of more than one. If such is the case, maybe it's time to re-evaluate the franchise model and go back to owner-operator. When the owner is there, he can correct problems when they arise, as they happen. As the Cliche goes This is no way to Run a Railroad, or a Coffee Shoppe.
Now I may just be super cynical, but when I hear "America Runs On Dunkins", all I can say is 'This explains a lot." Maybe I should be more optimistic and just think "I sure hope not."
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Clear as a Bell
Enough with the grammar lesson.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A Red Stain on the BOHICA Blues
To Reps Olver, Neal, McGovern, Frank, Tierney, Markey, and Lynch. Congratulations on your victory. You got over 50% in a contested race. Enjoy your final term, 2012 awaits.
To Bill Gunn, Tom Wesley, Marty Lamb, Sean Bielat, Jon Golnick, Bill Hudak, Gerry Dembrowski, and Vernon Harrison. The 2012 Campaign begins today. Do Not Let these Democrats rest even one minute of their term. Oppose them at every turn. You are not a novice anymore.
To Michael Capuano, You are illegally occupying the district. All elections must be contested to be legal. You should resign. In a perfect state you would be forced to resign, your seat would be declared vacant and a special election would immediately be held. I call it the Democracy Project. I doubt you would be in favor of it.
To Jeff Perry, Contest, Contest, Contest. You fell victim to a five way race. Your democratic opponent only got 47% his opposition 53%. Runoffs were made for this. Ditto Charlie Baker.
To Governor Patrick, remember to give Tim Cahill and Jill Stein cushy posts in your administration. You owe everything to them.
Not all things are bleak. Cujo (Paul Kujawski) is gone after 16 years. Congratulations Representative Kevin Kuros. Congratulations Lew Evangelidis, for your victory as Sheriff. Congratulations to Jennie Caissie for your election to Governor's Council. If Conservatives know anything now, it is there is no substitute for an honest an impartial judiciary. Thank You for being there to keep activist judges from the bench.
To all Republicans who ran this election season, win or lose. Thank You. By having the courage to contest the Democrats was a Profile In Courage. To the victors, know this, your victory is the first crack in the Democratic Dam. The Tea Party Tsunami continues. The Dam Bursts in 2012.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Vivent La Revolution
Most Democrats still don't get it. You can not legislate against the will of the people and hope to keep your cushy position. My U.S. Rep for a few months longer, Richie Neal, has been airing a radio ad with a Union Thug saying "Richie Neal Responds" when jobs are at stake. He boasts that he can bring money home from Washington. Richie, you don't need to bring money home IF IT NEVER LEAVES. All spending originates in the House, and that appears to be going Republican in a big way. Repeal Obamacare, Slash Spending and bring our Nation back from the brink. It starts today.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
For Those Who Wait
The Venue was the Liberty Assembly of God in Shrewsbury, MA, a 1000 seat mega-church Just off Route 20 in the heart of the Commonwealth. It looked pretty much like a traditional New England Church from the outside. On the inside, the high cathedral ceiling complete with 3 humongous front projection HDTV screens and a hybrid padded seat front/traditional padded pew rear and theater style stage seemed to scream mega church. My only complaint to the venue? The official capacity of the sanctuary was 990?! Could Ye Not Have Found Ten More Seats? (Sorry for slipping into King James Version). As I said, I estimate the final crowd at about 500. I was pleased, if only that, If I didn't check iTickets for free downloads every week I may have never known about this event. The promoter, New Sound Concerts, despite being the force behind the immensely popular Summer festival Soulfest, never seems to promote concerts to the best of their ability, with the result that they barely fill small venues. Flood the zone with ads, posters, and promotional materials and we could fill the DCU Center. We'll never know if we don't try.
Manic Drive was first to take the stage. A pretty basic rock and roll band out of Toronto started by brothers Shawn (Lead Vocals, Keys, Guitar) and Michael (Guitar, Backing Vocals) were introduced via a 5 minute Twilight Parody selling the members as Vampires. "Their skin was pale and cold, and they avoided the sunlight." I think that can pretty much sum up all Canadians, especially those from Montreal and Toronto with their underground cities. Later they reassured the audience that they weren't really vampires, they just really hated the movie Twilight. They did a four song set, of which I couldn't recognize a single song. That's really no surprise, since I only really know their song Blue, and they didn't do that one.
After a ten minute intermission things got kicked into high gear with Group 1 Crew, a Rap/Dance group out of Orlando, Florida. Think Black Eyed Peas but Saved. Almost all the songs came from the current release Outta Space Love, which was their opening song. We all tried to get our gangsta lean on with the song Live it Up. I think they were kinder than we were successful. It was fun. And Vocalist Bianca Reyes really got to shine with Walking on the Stars. Not only a good rapper Manwell Reyes (no relation to Bianca) is also a pretty good comedian, after the set he did a unusual appeal for World Vision, bringing in Redbox, Movie Theatres, Geico, Kool Aid and American Idol into a passionate appeal. I don't know if the results were any better this way, but it made the appeal more palatable. It sure beats the typical "while you enjoyed that last song twenty million children died of hunger you selfish brats" appeal. I am new to the hip hop/rap style of CCM, DC Talk excepted, but it is definitely a favorite of mine these days. For my review of Outta Space Love click here.
After a 15 minute intermission Fireflight took the stage to the piercing cry "This is for those who wait."I have been a fan of Fireflight since Unbreakable came out in 2008, but this is the first time I have seen them Live. I knew they were loud, but...Every time drummer Phee Shorb struck the drums the building shook as if from an explosion. Lead Vocalist Dawn Michele orchestrated the 15 song set with nary a break for introductions. Most of the songs were done medley style, though, unlike a traditional medley, the complete song was sung. Also unlike most bands, they did songs from each of their three albums. Eight of the songs were from For Those Who Wait, five were from Unbreakable, and two were from The Healing of Harms. Also this reviewer noticed a nice homage that probably passed unnoticed except by me and a few of the parents in the audience. During several songs Dawn Michele, flanked by guitarists Justin Cox and Glenn Dennen orchestrated what I would best describe as Synchronized headbanging, where the guitarists would dip their guitars and heads Stage Left and Dawn, sans guitar, would match their movements. I have not seen this done since 80's supergroup Mylon LeFevre and Broken Heart invented it. It was a nice touch. Wendy Dennen, Glenn's wife, plays Bass and rounds out the quintet.
Except for styles like Metal-core, I have always considered Skillet to be one of, if not the, hardest and loudest rock bands out there in the CCM world. Having heard the CD's I had placed Fireflight alongside an Audio Adrenaline. Now, I think they are more of a Heavy Metal band, at least an 80's style like Whitecross. Still, they did slow it down once, for Name, a heart rending ballad that really showcases Dawn Micheles beautiful voice. The original set was 14 songs. When the audience began to chant "one more song", Fireflight, literalists that they are, came out for one more song. Fortunately for the audience it was Unbreakable. Having their two most famous songs bookend their set was fitting for a concert that spanned their entire career so far. For Those Who Wait made my list this year for a Platinum Vinyl Award for Best Rock Album and is a strong contender for Album of the Year. My live experience only confirmed my opinions about the album. I expect to hear a lot more form this band in the future. I waited a long time for Fireflight to come to New England for a concert, and the the saying is definitely true, good things come "For those who Wait."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Great Cable TV Bailout
Maybe scam is too harsh, but, based on my experience, it sure seems like it, and I'm in a Major Market area. Before the June 12, 2009 transition, with the help of only an indoor HDTV capable antenna, I could easily receive the analog signals of the local ABC affiliate, the CBS affiliate, and two NBC affiliates plus the Univision and Daystar affiliates. With effort, I was also able to pull in the local analog signal for FOX. After I acquired a LCD Television I started to scan for digital signals, and I managed to pick up two digital PBS signals, the CBS DTV, the ABC DTV, 2 Univision DTV Signals and 4 Digital ION signals. I was ecstatic. DTV was indeed heaven.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lift Up Your Face.....And Move
History Repeating Itself
Fast forward four years. The Democrats took over on January 3, 2007 and drove our country, not into a ditch, but over a cliff. An unemployment rate of 4% is now actually somewhere around 17% and our debt and deficit has skyrocketed. The truth is that all spending originates in the House, or as the saying goes "Congress controls the purse strings." The truth hurts. Pelosi and Reed are not Republicans.
Now to that sign. It was for my State Representative to Congress. That's Beacon Hill not Washington. He's a Democrat (big surprise, it's Massachusetts), but his flyer said he voted against the Gas Tax, The Income Tax, The Hotel Tax, The Alcohol Tax and the Temporary seat holder in the U.S. Senate between Kennedy's death and Scott Brown being sworn in. It seems the tide has turned, now Liberal Democrats are saying, "Hey I'm more conservative than the Republican." Here's to the hope that on November 2, the voters, when given the choice between a Fake Republican and a True Republican, vote for the True Republican, and not a DIRC (Democrat in Republican Clothing)
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-The Best of The Rest
The Gospel/R&B entry, yes entry, is Triumphant by Vashawn Mitchell (D) and yes, the only entry just happens to be a new artist debut and is also eligible for Best New Artist.
The Folk/Folk Rock genre produced two entries during the Summer:
- Counting Stars by Andrew Peterson
- Raising up the Dead by Caedmon's Call
- Kickin it Old School by Go Fish
- Deliberate Kids 2 by Phil Joel
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Hip Hop/Rap
- City Lights by JSon
- Quarantine by Grits
- The Prototype by Sean Slaughter
- We Fit by K-Drama
- Rehab by Lecrae
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Modern Worship
- Dare to Imagine by Sean Keith
- We Still Believe by Kathryn Scott
- Finer Day by Kelly Minter
- Until the Whole World Hears Live by Casting Crowns
- The Rising by Charlie Hall
- Organic Family Hymnal by Rend Collective Experiment
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Dance/Electronica/Techno
- NY2LA by Press Play
- Kerrie Roberts by Kerrie Roberts (D)
- Outta Space Love by Group 1 Crew
I have included Kerrie Roberts in this category as well. While her hardest song is Rock, most of the album has enough electronic influence to classify it as Dance as well.
The Dance genre is possibly the most generous to get into, all you have to have is a well produced album, with music that makes you want to dance, and vocals (if there are any) that are up to the task. By Way of example this year Kerrie Roberts releases a well produced dance album, with the music that makes you want to dance and her vocals are never eclipsed by the loudest music. On the other hand, Natalie Grant released a well produced album which could also fit into the dance genre, and the music certainly made you want to dance, but, when the volume went up Grant disappeared. Her vocals simply are not up to the task, unlike Roberts and Tiffany Lee (aka Plumb). That's why Roberts is in and Grant didn't make the cut.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Heat Is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Alternative
- The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday EP by 12 Stones
- Vessels by Ivoryline
- Call Out by Esterlyn
- Let Love Win by The Museum (D)
- Suburba by House of Heroes
- The Changing of the Guard by Starflyer 59
- Cotes d'Armor by Kevin Max
- Dark is the Way, Light is a Place by Anberlin
- Light up the Sky by The After
- The Rising by Charlie Hall
- Saturate EP by Bread of Stone
This list should be beyond criticism, but I already know that's a pipe dream. I have already read some reviews fairly critical of The Afters release and both Starflyer 59 and Kevin Max make music that appeals to a fairly limited audience. Nevertheless, this is my take. Feel free to comment.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Gimme Shelter
- Small Rebellions (feat. Brandon Heath)
- Call My Name (feat. Thad Cockrell, Audrey Assad)
- We Will Follow (feat. Gungor)
- Eyes Wide Open
(feat. Mac Powell, Derek Webb, and Burlap to Cashmere)
- Shelter
(feat. Toby Mac, Audrey Assad, Brandon Heath)
- Out of My Hands
(feat. Mike Donehey, Leigh Nash)
- No Greater Love
- Run in the Night (feat. Thad Cockrell)
- Lay it Down (feat. David Crowder, Dawn Richardson)
- Love will find us (feat. Sara Groves, Matt Maher)
- Benediction (feat. Amy Grant)
This is a unique sort of album, and it's hard to play favorites with the tracks. I have come to enjoy a 4 song grouping though, tracks 4-7. I guess it's because I like Mac's voice. Shelter seems like it was designed for a church choir, and I guess I've missed Sixpence NTR recently. And Jars, well, they're Jars, what's not to like?
I'm giving The Shelter 4.5 Emeralds, and it will certainly make the Fall 2010/1st Quarter Platinum Vinyl Awards nominations for 2011. A great album.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Rock
- Heather Williams EP by Heather Williams (D)
- Blood in the Gears by The Showdown
- Horseshoes and Handgrenades by Disciple
- Our Journey....So Far by BarlowGirl
- Kerrie Roberts by Kerrie Roberts (D)
- For Your Consideration by Evolett (D)
- 7th Symphony by Apocalyptica
- Real Life by Lincoln Brewster
For my review of 7th Symphony and my reasons for inclusion in PVA contention Click Here
I don't see why Lincoln Brewster and Disciple wouldn't make most best of lists. BarlowGirl should, but it is a best of album. Enough Hard Music enthusiasts might exist to put in a good word for The Showdown. I don't think anyone has heard of Evolett, and that's a shame, and the same might go for Kerrie Roberts and Heather Williams. See above for the reason Apocalyptica wouldn't be included. I think they are all worthy.
The Heat is On: TBSF Summer 2010-Pop
- Born Again by The Newsboys
- The House You're Building by Audrey Assad (D)
- Midnight Sun by Sarah Kelly
- Wonder by Michael W. Smith
Most likely The Newsboys and Smitty are on everyone's list, but the two others may escape notice. They haven't escaped the Night Beat's notice though.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Project Wonder: Smitty's Return
Walking on the Stars
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Brought to you by the Letter K
Yesterday, thanks to You Tube and talk radio, a pop culture scandal has erupted involving of all things, Sesame Street and a former CCM Rocker by the name of Katy Hudson.
Monday, September 20, 2010
More than Amazing Guitar
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Anatomy of Boredom
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Primary Night
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Shot Heard Round The World
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Light Up The Sky
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Take Me Home for The Showdown
Do Zombies Wear Prada?
My problem with most Metal-core is "you can't tell what's going on without a program", in this case printed lyrics, at least with the thrash growls. The good ones have a lot of easily discernible group choruses to appeal to the untrained ear. TDWP falls somewhere in the middle on this count.
Based on gang vocals and the music, I am going to give Zombie 3.75 Emeralds. It would be four but I'm taking off for a short EP
Precious Metal
- Of the Ten cuts on the album, over half, specifically six, are instrumental. There is no such thing as Christian or Secular Instrumentals, it's just music.
- Of the Four Vocal Tracks, all are "clean" songs that should appeal to anyone and one, Broken Pieces
, is sung by Lacey Mosely, the Lead Singer of Flyleaf, a Christian Hard Rock band.
Update 10/10/10: I remain convinced that this is a 5 Emerald Album, and I am placing it in nomination for a Platinum Vinyl Award in the Rock Genre for the 3rd Quarter (July-Sept) of 2010.
Update 02/15/11: Late Update-But as of 1/17/11 Apocalyptica made the Final 7 Nominees for the Platinum Vinyl Awards in Best Album, Hard Rock
Consider This
The Tracks:
- Only Time
- This Compromise
- This Portrait
- Circles
- We All Fall Down
- Silent Illusion
- Genetic Makeup
- Hang on Every Word
- Hold On
- Careful Where You Sleep
"It makes my skin creep and crawl to know I came from you, break down the genetic makeup, so I can chew it up and spit it out, and wash the taste right through my mouth."After repeated listens this week I am ready to award 4.5 Emeralds to For Your Consideration. I'm still holding back because it's a debut, and I always say "You can do better", but this might be really hard. I'm filing this as a possible Platinum Vinyl Award Best New Artist for 2010. Consider, then buy, Evolett.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Not Blown Away
Then there is an album like No Far Away, the debut release by Chris August. I call Adult Contemporary music, which this is Air Conditioned, for obvious reasons. Adult Contemporary (aka Easy Listening) makes one comfortable, blends into the backround, sinks into your subconscious (these are the songs you can't get out of your head) and are played on elevators everywhere.
No Far Away is 11 songs of relationships (You and I
All in all No Far Away is a passable Pop/Adult Contemporary CD. I predict it will do well. It is a typical AC, comfortable, inoffensive, blends well, and 3 of 5 possible Emeralds. There will be better Pop albums. I was Not Blown Away by No Far Away
A message for the ages
An adherent of the cliche "Always leave them wanting more", TCOTG gives us 10 songs that clock in just over 30 minutes. The track listing:
- Fun is Fun
- Shane
- Time Machine
- Trucker's Son
- The Morning Rise/Frightening Eyes
- I had a song for the ages
- Coconut Trees
- Cry Me A River
- Kick the Can
- Lose My Mind
As I said before, you may find gems here if you look. One gem is in the final cut, Lose My Mind
Ever the perfectionist, just like his brother, he even apologizes for the album on his album. He may say he has a "song for the ages written on some pages at home.", but if he does, that's going to make an awesome 13th.
I give The Changing of the Guard a solid 4 Emeralds (out of 5). Will it make the final cut to be nominated for the Platinum Vinyl Awards? Maybe not, but there are four whole months to go, and this album tends to grow on you.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
TBSF 2010: Modern Worship
Maybe it is only fitting that I end the Platinum Vinyl Genre Categories with the most crowded genre in CCM today, Modern Worship. In truth, possibly not a typical genre, because all entrants could also be classified as rock, pop, or whatever. The thing that sets the genre apart is the subject of the music, not the style in which it is played. The Best So Far for 2010 in Modern Worship are:
- The Saving One by Starfield
- Everything is Different Now by Stellar Kart
- Eternity Invades by Vicky Beeching
- Ragamuffin Soul by Carlos Whittaker
- Wake Up My Soul by Andy Kirk
- Farewell Show: Live in London by Delirious?
- Name Above All Names by ALM:uk
- A Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong Live
- Find Me Pure by Patrick Paegel
- City of Life Worship by City of Life
TBSF 2010: Folk/Folk Rock
The last of the weak genre's this time around. Here's hoping for more good entries, in the second half of 2010. Without further ado, the Platinum Vinyl Award nominees in the Folk/Folk Rock genre are:
- Letting Go by Jennifer Knapp
- In Feast or Fallow by Sandra McCracken
TBSF 2010: Hip Hop/Rap
Another Genre Category with very few entrants. Not so much that there were an abundance of bad music, but not many releases were in this category, and these three are the best so far:
- Lions and Liars by Sho Baraka
- Light up the Dark by The Washington Projects
- Between Two Worlds by Trip Lee
TBSF 2010: Gospel/R&B
Due to a lack of releases in this category, this is the first genre that won't have to be whittled down at the beginning of next year. With that in mind, here are the early nominees for the Platinum Vinyl Awards for the Gospel/R&B Genre:
- In Spite of Me by Michelle Bonilla
- Get Ready by Forever Jones (D)
- Light up the Dark by The Washington Projects
(D) Indicates a Debut Project, qualifies for Best New Artist
Saturday, August 14, 2010
TBSF 2010: Alternative
- Disappearing World by Fair
- Of Men and Angels by The Rocket Summer
- Everything is Different Now by Stellar Kart
- Pieces of a Real Heart by Sanctus Real
- Vagabonds by The Classic Crime
- Blink by Revive
- Armored Heart by Runaway City
- Burning like the Midnight Sun by The Choir
- Travel III by Future of Forestry
- Salvation in Secrets by Our Lives In Motion (D)
TBSF 2010: Dance/Electronica/Techno
The early nominees for the 2010 Platinum Vinyl Awards in the Dance/Electronica/Techno Genre are as follows:
- Young Giant by Queen's Club
- Love Reality by Charmaine
- Weakness Makes You Beautiful by Petree
- Spacebound by Group 1 Crew
- Life by Beckah Shae
Thursday, August 12, 2010
TBSF 2010: Rock
The early nominees for the 2010 Platinum Vinyl Awards in the Rock genre, which includes Metal, Hardcore, and Industrial, are as follows:
- The Infinite Order by Living Sacrifice
- Tonight by Toby Mac
- For Those Who Wait by Fireflight
- Satellites & Sirens (Self-Titled)
- The World is a Thorn by Demon Hunter
- Hanging on by a Thread by The Letter Black
- Life, Scars, Apologies by Since October
- Rain's A Comin by Children 18:3
- Attack of the Wolf King by Haste The Day
TBSF 2010: Pop
- The Golden Rule
by Above The Golden State
- Newworldson
- Me in Motion
- Sing it Now
by Poema (D)
- Love Reality
by Charmaine
- The One I'm Fighting For EP
by Article One
- The Generous Mr. Lovewell
by MercyMe
- Around the World
by Reilly
- Stories
by Addison Road
The Best So Far: An Introduction
I had originally planned this post earlier, giving my picks for the best CCM releases for the first six months of 2010. However, even using 1 minute Amazon clips to make my decision, this has proven a much more daunting task than I had originally anticipated. Rather than wait until I am finished, and at this rate that may be 2011, I will be making these posts a work in progress, continually adding, and maybe, even dropping entries. The posts will be grouped by genre.
Update: Due to a marathon effort, I raced through the initial listenings of all the releases in the first 6 months. At least those I could gather from new release lists. If the cuts wowed me, it was nominated. If it didn't it was ingloriously dropped from contention. Honorable Mentions only come with the finals here, not the nominations.
As of now, you artists will have to be content with a Virtual Award (i.e. Mention on this Blog and on Twitter. There is no piece of metal to give. Only my recognition.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Last One Standing
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Festival Scene
It's Summer, and in the music world that means it's Festival Season. This is the time when your concert dollar gets the most bang for the buck. Usually you shell out around $100 for a full pass and in return you get the opportunity to see 50-100+ bands of a fairly wide selection of styles. Sure, not all of these are headline quality, but usually about 20 of them could fit that title. If you only counted those bands into the cost of the pass, that's still only $5 a concert, and where are you going to get that these days. Plus it's summer, you may be in the mountains, and it is the great outdoors. A lot camp for the week, though some, like me, try to get a hotel nearby. That may up the cost, but it's worth it.
With that in mind hear is a small sampling of some upcoming festivals.
- Jubilee Fest (July 29-August 1, Houston, DE) This is a first year fest trying to be the Christian Woodstock. Some Good bands, like August Burns Red, Sanctus Real and Trinitee 5:7, but not many, only 35 total. Check it Out if you're the adventurous type, as a first year festival may have a few glitches A Day Pass is $40/The Event is $90, no Charge for Kids under 10 and Cash Only at the gate.
- Creation Northwest (July 21-24, Enumclaw, WA) An offshoot of Creation Festival in Virginia (over for this year), this festival is in its 13th Year. Big Names Come Here like Skillet, TobyMac, David Crowder Band, and Thousand Foot Krutch. Pricing Comes in many tiers but an event pass starts at $115 and a Day Pass is $48. Free only for kids under 6.
- Soulfest (August 4-7, Gunstock Mountain, Gilford, NH) Also in its 13th Year, it continues to grow each year and may be the largest in the Northeast by now, though still lagging in reputation to Kingdom Bound. Superchick, Jars of Clay, Kutless, and Hawk Nelson are among the bands playing this year. $119 for an event pass, Day Passes from $25
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Going Public with the Jesus Freak
Born Again, the Latest release by The Newsboys, is notice that they have no intention of passing away any time soon. It is a 12 song transformation.
- Born Again
- One Shot
- Way Beyond Myself
- Impossible
- When The Boys Light Up
- Build Us Back
- Escape
- Miracles
- Running to You
- On Your Knees
- Mighty to Save
- Jesus Freak
The album closes with two cover songs. A rock version of Hillsong's Mighty to Save
CCM and The Christian Fringe
CCM is short for Christian Contemporary Music, an all encompassing label that usually includes the Pop, Rock, Alternative, Hip-Hop, Ska, Big Band/Swing, and Country Genres. It does not refer to Southern Gospel or Modern Worship in most cases, nor does it usually include Urban or Regular Gospel and R&B. The Night Beat Blog will review most of the accepted list, Country excepted (sorry, I can't stand it.) You can also be assured that no Southern Gospel will pass by this reviewer, for the same reason.
In addition to accepted CCM, I will also attempt to give a fair amount of coverage to the Christian Music Fringe, usually consisting of Hard Music (Red, Demon Hunter); Metalcore (My Children My Bride), Industrial (Skillet), Techno/Electronica (Joy Electric, And then there were None) and others. Urban Gospel and R&B may also be reviewed.
Due to the reviewers personal taste, I may, if the occasion arises, dip into Crossover material that is spiritual in nature but is no longer universally recognized as Christian Music, examples of which are U2, Creed, Evanescence, and more recently Jennifer Knapp. I will deal with these in a later post.