PVA Third Quarter Nominations
I had planned this post for Monday, but things kind of went askew. We wont say much in introduction except that was a crowded field this quarter as well.
- Control
, Abandon
- Inside These Walls
, Brandon Bee
- Listen to the Sound
, Building 429
Beautiful Ashes
, Eowyn
- On Fire
, Peter Furler
- Freedom Calling, Jake Hamilton
- Easy for you to say
, Hello Kelly
- Weights and Measures
, Hyland
- Tidal Wave
, Rootdown
- Live at the Masquerade
, Thousand Foot Krutch
- X: 2011
, Various Artists
This one was easy. All these are worthy to win, though Hyland, TFK and Eowyn could wind up being the front runners. Especially Eowyn. This "Chick" has gotten better with each album. I was blown away with Silent Screams, but this time. She is in full Amy Lee mode with Beautiful Ashes. Don't believe me? Check Out the Video for Beautiful Ashes below
What do you think. Agree? Disagree? Especially on Eowyn. Comment Below. Any that I missed?
That concludes things for this quarter. As always, I am Awaiting Your Reply