Of the seven, one stood above the rest, or as we say here at Night Beat HQ, it was:
Pure Platinum
- Thousand Foot Krutch - Metamorphosiz: The End Remixes, Vol. 1
It may be cheating, but I did think that it was worthy of a Perfect 5 Emerald rating. Anytime Andy Hunter is allowed to take the reins of a project, magic is bound to happen.
Of course, there are always albums that don't make the standard we demand at the Platinum Vinyl Awards. Albums which we say are
Missing The Mark
- My Heart to Fear - Lost Between Brilliance and Insanity
3.75 Emeralds
Jael Johnson - Stay
3.75 Emeralds
Corey Kilgannon - Let Go
3.50 Emeralds
- Levi the Poet - Seasons
3.25 Emeralds
- Von Won - Shock Therapy
3.75 Emeralds
Once again I must stress that these are not bad albums, just not worthy of award consideration. A 3 Emerald rating is pretty good. You should only worry if it is in the 2's or below. Most albums are somewhere in between. They are not Platinum, but they are what we call
Semi-Precious Metal
- As Cities Burn - Son I Loved You At Your Darkest
4.75 Emeralds
- Coffee Jones of Grits - Fresh Brew
4.50 Emeralds
- Joy Electric - Dwarf Mountain Alphabet 4.75 Emeralds
- Lifehouse - Almeria
4.75 Emeralds
Pas Neos - Who Do You Say I Am?
4.75 Emeralds
Beckah Shae - Scripture Snacks, Vol. 2
4.75 Emeralds
- Sons - Keep Quieter
4.75 Emeralds
That concludes 2012 for all intents and purposes. We still have the First Quarter 2013 to announce, but that may take until January. We shall see. Until next time, I am Awaiting Your Reply.
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