1969 was a momentous year. I turned 3 years old, and everything is momentous to a 3 year old. I don't know what my musical tastes were at the time, but I don't think it was at the top of the adult hit parade. As far as CCM is concerned, I entered the scene in 1977. I didn't know about the Dove Awards until much later.
In 47 years the Doves have remained largely unchanged. Except for adding Rap to the awards they still have nothing harder than Petra on the docket. They need to add a real rock category, as well as adding Metal, and Electronic/Dance if they ever wish to be taken seriously.
This year, due to the abundance of pool entries, we are just finished awarding #PlatVnyl6. The ceremony took place last night, and it had a few glitches. I think we broke Facebook. That is a month or so behind schedule. If a #PlatVnyl6 Dove Match happens I will say it was "a nominee", otherwise it will be "in the pool"
One final note: In last nights Award Ceremony had Awards in Album of The Year, Female Vocalist of The Year, Male Vocalist of The Year, Group of The Year, Metal, Remix, Rock, Electronic, Dance, Instrumental in Song and Album of The Year, and a complete Video Awards. The Doves have none of these. Talk About snubs. On to the comparisons next time. Until then, I am Awaiting Your Reply.