It's a Classical solution. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.
Payola is the name given to a radio scandal in which the major record labels were paying bribes to usually program directors in order to make sure their songs became hits by virtue of repeated play. I miss the good old days. (SARCASM ALERT). At least someone profited from creating a bland programming day. Now, through playlist radio and the elimination of the human element, we do the same thing for free.
Take some time to listen to your local Christian Radio station. If you can avoid lapsing into a coma, you will find that you will have a virtually commercial free, certainly announcer free music period of 60-90 minutes in length, which will repeat. If you don't know the song or artist you won't be told, because there is no DJ. Wouldn't any record company exec live to know he is GUARANTEED 24 plays of his hit song per day. And with an average of 3 minutes per song you really only get about 15 songs per hour after you add in about the song intros, devotionals, and the ever present push to pledge money to keep the station afloat because selling ads is unchristian .
Let's scrap the whole system and start fresh. Sell ads, ditch the playlist, hire DJs, and play a wide swath of genres throughout the day. At first it will sound like the Wild Wild West, but people will discover new artists which will lead to more sales which will lead to more artists sticking with it for the long term. A better product all around.
Well my rant is over for now. I may take on the record industry at some point. Because they are a coconspirator in the problem as is the music store But that is a whole new series. Until next time, I am Awaiting Your Reply.