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Monday, February 17, 2020

Music Video Monday: Getting A Little Animated

Welcome back to Music Video Monday, where we play the best Music Videos out There. We're going to do something a little different this time. We're getting a little animated.  This video from Yancy popped up in my Youtube feed the other day, and let me say, it is a snappy little video about Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors.

The difference continues with a little bit of a delayed video. Christmas is over, but I just discovered this video  from the now Synthpop band We Are Leo. It is a definitely Animated Dancing In A Snow Globe. Hey, here in the Northeast it may snow as late as May.

Finally, we take an entirely different path. This is just discovered. Project Aegis is a supergroup started by Matt Smith of Theocracy. In this case the proceeds from the song go 100% to Legacy Music, which provides music lessons and instruments to Children and Teens from Difficult Backrounds. Listen, Headbang, Buy. 

That does it for this edition of Music Video Monday. Happy President's Day everyone. Until next time, I am Awaiting Your Reply.

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