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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Don't Fear The Eclipse

We here at the Night Beat have some things in common with the Legends of CCM. Like a fine wine, we get better with age. Such is the case with Wolves At The Gate (listed on the new album as simply WATG, which with the middle two initials switched, spells the Call Sign of a local talk radio station).

The new album is eclipse, and my only complaint with it is that it wasn't released in January (That's the month the full moon is called the Wolf Moon). WATG is one of those "perfect" metal bands. They've got enough growls and screams to satisfy the metalcore crowd and awesome clean vocals and group harmonies to satisfy the 80's Melodic Metal crowd of which I am part. So I admit to being slightly biased in their favor.

Eclipse is an evangelistic masterpiece, if you listen close enough. Take the title cut, which is the cry of fallen man that is unsure if he can be redeemed.

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