Now since I got born again in 1975 and switched to a Christian Music Only diet beginning in 1978, I admit that my knowledge of Mainstream Music is limited, but I did live through the 80's and 90's and you pick up things through osmosis. So yes, I am aware of Journey, Madonna, Chicago, Van Halen and a bunch of others from the era, even though I did not choose to purchase that music.
I decided to check out the RARHOF Website and both check out Eligibility (25 years from First Album) and scroll the inductees. Not that I was surprised, but there was no Christian Rock Band represented unless you consider U2, which I would, but that means that they are a token to pacify the religious. While CCM and Mainstream Rock have become separate industries, it sounds pretty much the same instrumentally speaking. Lyrically, it is definitely cleaner and there may be a reverential reference to Jesus as a bonus.
"What's the big deal", I hear you say. You have a Gospel Music Hall of Fame. You have yours and we have ours. That would be fine, except the GMHOF is really the Southern Gospel Hall of Fame. It is mostly SG, no amplifier necessary. Petra is the only Rock entry, and maybe Amy Grant. Big Whoop. Even the Jesus crowd can't get around to honor the righteous rocker.
What we need is a Night Beat Hall of Fame, and I am going to Start the seeds of it right here. I'll use the RARHOF standard this year 1996=2021, that will come later, and first I'll try to come up with a Founder's Class of inductees from the Golden Era. It should be a fun exercise and Unwelcome your input as well. Until next time, I am Awaiting Your Reply.
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